March Fit Challenge!
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March Fit Challenge!

I want to make fitness as easy as possible for you to fit into your life!

And the truth is that you can get great workouts in without ever leaving your home.

You can even get a lot done while doing other activities you enjoy – watching tv, listening to audiobooks, etc.

You could even do this with co-workers to kick off your lunch break each day!

So, I’m making this as simple as possible for you.

I’ve created a March Madness Challenge where we’re only completing 4 different exercises with ascending reps, meaning each day for the 31 days of March you add one repetition of each.

By the end of the month, you’ll have quite a workout to complete, but you’ll have built up to it.

I cannot wait to hear how it goes!

Simply draw an X through each date on the calendar (download below) that you complete the challenge.

Of course, feel free to recruit friends, family, and coworkers to join you for even better results!

Grab it by entering your name and email below, and I’ll shoot it over to your inbox right away!

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